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Each Habitat house is carefully planned by the Board of Directors, Construction Committee, Site Selection Committee, project partner, and the Executive Director.  House construction takes approximately fourteen weeks barring no inclement weather or other delays. A schedule with tentative dates for each phase of construction is developed and posted to the organization’s web page for all volunteers, Habitat members, and partner families.

The process begins by forming and preparing the foundation for the house.  After a Groundbreaking Ceremony, all work is done by volunteers on Saturdays, and begins with the erection of the walls.  The day begins at 8:00 A.M. with prayer, sign-in, and instructions from the construction crew.  At the end of each Saturday, a separate volunteer group provides lunch at noon for all volunteers. If you would like to sign up to help on our most current project, click here.

Habitat’s main objective, besides productivity, is safety.  We provide water, snacks, sunscreen, gloves, hard hats, ear and eye protection, and a first aid kit on site. We also have at least one Safety Competent trained person on the job site, as well, to oversee all volunteer work.  For more about safety on the worksite, click here.